Pillar Loves Pets! And we especially love opportunities to come together as a team and support an organization we are truly passionate about -with pets!
Rocking our awesome Pillar blue t-shirts we made our way to Seward Park to walk as a team in the Furry 5K to support the Seattle Animal Shelter!
This is the organization chosen by Nicole Kellogg, one of our property managers as well as our most recent E.P.I.C. Award winner. The E.P.I.C. Award, which stands for Excellence, Passion, Innovation and Commitment, is given annually to one person who is truly exceptional in all areas…which is extremely difficult with a team as talented as the one we have. As part of the award, the winner chooses an organization that we will support as a group that year as part of our Pillar Passions program.
Nicole posed for a picture with her fellow team members and her dog "Eddie!"
For the most part the dogs walked the humans but everyone was happy to get outside on a beautiful Seattle day and enjoy each other's company while supporting a great organization.